Troubleshooting Map Upload Errors

Have you encountered an error while trying to upload a map to Soar? Don’t worry.... here are a few tips to help!

Jan 8, 2024

Have you encountered an error while trying to upload a map to Soar? Don't worry; it happens to the best of us. This brief guide will help you troubleshoot the issue and get your map uploaded successfully so you can share it with the world!

Check Your Internet Connection

Before anything else, make sure your internet connection is stable. A weak or interrupted connection can often lead to upload errors. Ensure you have a strong and consistent internet signal before attempting the upload again.

Ensure the Upload Page Stays Open

Sometimes errors occur if you accidentally close the upload page before the process is completed. Keep the upload page open until you see a confirmation stating that the upload is finished.

Clear Your Browser Cache

Browser caches can sometimes interfere with the upload process. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then attempt the upload once more. This step often resolves issues related to cached data.

Check for File Format

Ensure that your map file meets the required size and format specifications. If the file is too large or in an unsupported format, the upload might fail. Refer to any guidelines provided by the platform for specifics.

Try Uploading Again

If the error persists, don't give up just yet. Close the error message, refresh the upload page, and try uploading your map again. Occasionally, a simple refresh can resolve the issue.
In summary, encountering errors during map uploads can be frustrating, but with a few troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve the issue and get your map successfully uploaded. Remember to keep your internet connection stable, ensure the upload page remains open, and follow platform-specific guidelines. If all else fails, don't hesitate to reach out to customer support for assistance.

Happy mapping!

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This blog was written by:

Harry Stranger

Harry is a content specialist, mostly focusing on satellite imagery curation, processing, and analysing. In his free time outside of following the space industry he's passionate about landscape and astrophotography.

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